Tuesday 3 June 2014

Ads Slots for rent on Wiida's blog .

Hello guys!

I would like to make an announcement! I have added few advertisement slots for you to rent. 
Oh man, it took me for ages to finish editing this photo using my limited photoshop skill. Hurgh! So that's why the cropped picture is not too precise. I know it's ugly, no need to mention that in front of me. *Redha , Syukur to Allah. 

Okay, back to the main point. If you are interested to post up your advertisement on my blog, you are welcome to do so  and just email to ydaruzlan@gmail.com

The size of the banner has been set to 310 x 210 

It is renewable in every 3 months.

How about the price?
Well, I must say it is soooooooooo reasonable and affordable to rent an ads slot on blog.

Space A: RM 15/ month 
Space B & C: RM 10 /month

How about the TRAFFIC in WIIDA's blog?

Generally, the main traffic in Wiida's blog are from Malaysia and Singapore. The second highest traffic is from United States and the rest are from all over the world.  

Chances of clicking BANNER button?
Surprisingly, I earned pretty a lot for Nuffnang banners for the past 3 months. Thank you to those who clicking it. hehe. Alhamdullilah! - That's why I come out with this rental spaces for my blog. 

Tips: If possible, please design your banner aligned with my blog's theme; Pastel colors / pink/ white.
This would make your banner looks more attractive and people would feel safe to click on it. Sometimes people don't dare to click random advertisements because of viruses. Therefore, please design your banner to fit into my blog's theme. Thank you. Sorry for demanding but it is for your own good too. 

Thank you :)

Email:  ydaruzlan@gmail.com

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Fired it away!! but mind your words! <3 Please be gentle to each other, girls.

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